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Can You Benefit from Working with Perativ?

Can You Benefit from Working with Perativ?

Are you the right kind of customer for Perativ? Are we able to help you to maximum degree?

The customers who will get the most benefit from working with Perativ are banks with 500 to 50,000 ATMs and more than 500 branches. It is these financial institutions that know they must continue to provide affordable and accessible cash to their customers. 

If you’re one of these banks, you’ve probably already hit the big cost savings benchmarks inside the bank, and yet your cash distribution costs remain stubbornly high. You’ve realized it’s time to optimize your cash management, and it's time for some innovative rethinking about the cost of your cash. 

Are you a c-suite executive, the bank transformation officer, or the channel head?  Someone who can influence the three departments of forecasting, accounting, and treasury? If you are, we’ll help you get the cash data from these departments to come together to drive millions in value for your bank.

If you fit this description, then you’re our kind of customer. Be in touch today. We can provide you and your team with a demo and customized business case!